
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

People I Admire

This Saturday a group of very talented professional artists (musical artists) are giving their time freely to support The Family Help Trust.

Family Help Trust are a group committed to the children of NZ who are at high risk.

On Saturday afternoon you have the opportunity to hear these people and support F.H.T. at the same time.


Saturday, 19th October, 2013 at 1pm

Venue - CPSA, 60 Madras St, Christchurch

Admission fees: $20
You can purchase tickets here.

(booking fee applies)
Door sales cash only

I so admire people who give of themselves generously. As I see it - we all have something to offer that can make the world a better place but some of us never do because:

a - we think our offering can't make change (we think change makers are rich or have powerful positions)
b - we are too busy (we don't take time to think about how, or worse, we are self-absorbed)
c - we don't know how (where do I start? what can I do with my talent for Words? Kindness? Time?)

All around me I observe people, 'ordinary' people offering their gift to the world in great-small ways.

Maybe this Saturday afternoon your gift to the world might be going to an amazing concert.
Maybe it might be ordering a CD.
Maybe it might be letting a harassed person have that car park you both spotted, even though you really want it.
Maybe it might be baking for a friend
or reading stories at kindy
or really praying for someone when you said you would.....

Today I am grateful for people - like my sister and brother-in-law - who don't just wish the world was a better place, they are offering what they have to make change. I'm grateful for people who do the good stuff of life and inspire me to do it too.

Love you more than a song that inspires xxx

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