
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Winter Crafting Inspiration

It rained and it rained and it rained - or so the story of Pooh and Piglet goes.

These are some photos I took of the streets around us yesterday.

So if you too are bundled up inside trying to keep warm and busy might I suggest some time browsing the Matariki Blog Hop?

Crafters, tutorials, inspiration and if you get all inspired to make there's a time to link in and a chance to win some lovely prizes too.

Here's the line up: Do go and check out the ones that have already posted.

Tuesday 11th June- Lisa - Big Little

Wednesday 12th June - Louana - NZ Green Buttons

Thursday 13th June - Stella - The Golden Adventures of a Very Dark Horse

Friday 14th - Nin - Make. Life. Beautiful

We'll have a wee break over the weekend.

Monday 17th June - Laura - HOOTNZ

Tuesday 18th June – Rhiannon - Toast and Life

Wednesday 19th June - Dee - Dee*Construction

Thursday 20th June – Miriam – Create Hope Inspire

Friday 21st June - Leonie – Sunshine x 3

Another break over the weekend

Monday 24nd June - Roz - Squiltz

Tuesday 25d June – Holly- Hollymayb

Wednesday 26th June - Juliet (the original host and the link from the matariki button)

Final round-up and Linky Party!!!

Wednesday 10th July- Linky Party Closes

Friday 12th July- Prize winners announced


Happy winter days my friends

love you more than the smell of damp wool :o) x


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