
Monday, June 17, 2013

B.M.W.B - At Your Level

I am always so thrilled by the way the boys respond when I play down at their level, fully engaged in whatever they are playing and even suggesting play myself.

When they got out the car mat recently I sat down on the floor with them and started my own crazy car commentary as the cars drove towards each other. (FYI you can buy this by the metre at spotlight)

They thought it was so hilarious. They didn't say - that doesn't make sense, or dumb, or you just changed accents for the train - they don't criticise, they respond with delight.

...and that is the great joy of play at their level. It's just mucking about and being silly, and really what more successful thing is there than making your kids laugh? You don't have to try hard to organise it, you just have to get off the couch and sit on the floor and e.n.g.a.g.e.

On Sunday afternoon the family (extended) got together for Uncle A's birthday and it was so sweet to see Daddy and Pop and Uncle A and Ma and Flip playing UNO and Monopoly Deal together. Flip LOVED it.

The other advantage with play at their level is it changes the photo perspective too.

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

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Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

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