
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday - Me Made May 15th - 21st 2013

You'll see this week I've embraced my inner teenager and pulled stupid poses in the photos (although I did refrain from poking my tongue out - those photos are entirely un-redeemable!)

May 15th - Skirt -  handmade in 2002 (yes indeed!), top - op-shopped, tights - gift, shoes - op-shopped

May 16th - Dress - handmade from a Vogue reproduction pattern, belt - op-shopped, plastic train necklace - me made, tights - had for many years, shoes - 25cents off trade me, underskirt - me made

May 17th - Friday was supposed to be 'hat day' for MMM - hat pierre cardin bought from an op-shop (not actually sure I can pull this off???), necklace - me made, top - me made, made up pattern, jeans - hand me down, boot bought in Debenhams in 2005

May 18th
 for watching my children play football in the rain! Coat - handmade from a furnishing remnant, jeans - hand me down, shoes - op-shopped, merino top underneath. Yes that is a miniature tractor in the background - had it not been raining I may have draped myself over it for the photo shoot!

May 19th - This dress also worn in week one, beads - gift, tights - gift, shoes - op-shopped.

May 20th - Dress me made - also worn here, necklace - me made, crocheted fingerless mittens - bought here, tights - Farmers, shoes - bought in 1999, sunnies - dotti, cardi - glassons

and don't you love the back of my made-over cardi?? This amazing woman inspired me and then crocheted me all these wonderful flowers. I like the strands so much I sewed them on too :o)

May 21st - really not loving this outfit.... yeah but here it is anyway. Dress handmade - made up the pattern as I went along, cardi-op-shopped, tights - gift, shoes - op shopped.

There is still a week and a half and 2 more handmade garments to complete..... I'm feeling a little crazy each day even though I still have lots of great things to pick from. I need to actually think about outfits the night before or even days in advance - do normal people do that?

Each day I think about if I am biking the boys to school and what I can wear based on that and what else I have to do.....I started cutting out a quilt last night to distract myself from the 2 buttons I need to sew on to finish a garment - so.not.a.finisher!!

Linking in with Wardrobe Wednesday (click the button on the right) and the MMM flickr group.

breathe in, breathe out......

love you more than a personal stylist xxx

really you want to see more of my Me Made May Outfits??? That's weeks one and two.

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