
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Make My Week - Garment 4 and 4a New Look 6000 and a Cardi Make-Over

So I've just completed this little number.
I was given this fabric ageeeessss ago and I love it - enough that I've been a bit scared to use it - ever happen to you?

Anyway this is another version of New Look 6000 but this time I've included the pleated detail at the side - which you can barely see.

The photos are 'action shots' :o) and yes you can see my slip poking out the bottom - sorry about that!

I'm so pleased to have used these super cute buttons I've been saving for a special project. They are on the sleeve cuff. Don't you love how it looks a bit like a paper boat?

Also some more details of the cardi makeover -inspired by and crocheted flowers supplied by Louana (here is the original post that inspired me).

I'm thrilled with it and I know I'll get a heap of wear from it.

Joining in with all sorts of clever at show and tell.

 Show & Tell Thursday's

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