
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Still Baking and A Winner

I've been a bit slack with sharing how my baking challenge is coming along.

Fan's Date Loaf from Ladies a Plate was an absolute hit. I neglected to tell of the dates and so with the thoughts it was a ginger loaf (which it is indeed like) it meant there was no date hating before trying.
Actually last time I made a date-y slice there was a lot of date hate in the comments too - people you are missing out!!

I have also tried one of the versions of ANZAC biscuits from Ladies a Plate. They were suitably chewy which I really like and disappeared rather before I had a chance to take any pictures.

I've also made a couple of incarnations of the Chocolate Cupcakes from the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook as well. These ones we called our 'new life' cupcakes for Easter.

There were rather a lot of batches of Hot Cross Buns over Easter and today a Handmade batch of Muesli - recipe here - for some special people who are staying at my place this weekend. (Here's hoping they like muesli - I've given the boys one bowl and told them they aren't allowed any more until after the weekend)

and of course the winner of the wonderful Penny Scallan giveaway congratulations to Laura please watch out for an email from me.

Linking in with Foodie Fun over at Ange's place.


  1. Love the little cupcakes - so cute. Thanks for linking up xx
    And congrats to Laura :)

  2. Love muesli :) Those chocolate cupcakes look delish. I've always had a bit of a soft spot for those cute wee fluffy chicks too!

  3. Love your cupcakes and baking and making! Yay for Laura!

  4. yum , I'd like that cupcake with a cuppa right now!


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