
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make My Week - The Juxtaposition

Take one ugly chair. $5 from the local Sallies - I bought two.

add pretty fabric from here

and gorgeous laminate from the same place

I ended up teaching 2 full days of this skill at short notice recently.

It's a slow process but for me the final result is so worth it. I really like the fabric decoupage effect. (I have a lot of them on my pinterest board actually but I do love mine very much - as one should with the things one makes. I've added some of my own too)

There are mistakes to see if you want to look for them but I like them for the overall effect.

I love how the fabric on the chair is cars and the fabric on the seat is Babushka's ..... wee Bounce likes it a lot too. He calls it his chair because he chose the car fabric with me in the shop.

It was amazing to see what people achieved in the day - I love watching people's creative pursuits. This is some of their progress..... none of them are finished pieces but this is what can be done in a special day dedicated to creative pursuit.

I always feel so privileged to be able to create with others and to see their ideas unfold. Also I am loving Kirsty's discussion on creative ideas. I agree that there are times I feel I have come up with a really original idea but then suddenly you see someone else is doing something similar.

For me it's about our touch that makes it ours and I never follow a pattern exactly anyway.... I like the sharing of ideas.... maybe it would feel differently if it was my livelihood.... it's good to think about.

Joining in with fabulous Leonie and other lovely creatives.
 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. This is a fab chair! I love your whole collection!

  2. I Love your chairs and this one is no exception! One day I am definitely going to make some! Agree with the creative process - same same but different in the end x

  3. WOW! Love them all. I've got a stool that I'm waiting to give the same treatment to, you've inspired me to get cracking on it, but not this weekend :)

  4. How incredible! What a transformation, I can't believe it's done with fabric.

  5. I can't wait to see (and drool over) these in real life!! They look amazing!!

  6. theres that word again, twice in two days...Juxtaposition.. Im going to have to look it up ;)

    LOVE the chair!! totally gorgeous.

  7. Love both the fabrics, and I bet covering the chair is really fiddly. Lovely end result.

  8. Chair looks fantastic... I'm really keen to have a go at this (just need a bigger house and some furniture that says "pick me pick me")

  9. such a great idea and such a great choice of fabric!

  10. I love a good diy makeover! Your chair is amazing - i have a kids chair in desperate need of... something! (love?!) will have to add this to the to-dos!!

  11. I saw your chair at the Crafty Christchurch in the weekend. Looks even better in real life!


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