
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sacred Pauses

I am high energy

I talk fast

I laugh loud

I'm not good at silence (any one who has met me will attest to that)

Listening without 'adding to' does not come naturally to me

And so this week as I journey toward Easter I am trying to slow, to quiet my heart and to learn the gentle rhythms of Grace.

Easter is the most important of all my celebrations in a year but I feel like it becomes squeezed out and turns into a chocolate frenzy with a sideways nod to the Jesus who took my place on death row.

This week I want to slow my words, let my loud laugh become gentle joy and wait in silence for the gentle whisper that says it all and more.



  1. Talking with you about Easter last night really convicted me (in a good Holy Spirit way). I spent most of last night and this morning thinking about it.


  2. Oh so agree. This year (for possibly the first time) I'm focussing on The Cross and really really feeling so thankful for Grace.

  3. I hear you with all the squeezing... Hope you have lots of meaningful pauses x

  4. This year I have been making a mindful effort to
    "trying to slow, to quiet my heart and to learn the gentle rhythms"
    So far I'm getting it 'most' of the time
    *hmmmmmm* could almost smell those hot cross buns


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