
Monday, March 25, 2013

B.M.W.B Taking Time

A special project for a little boy. It would be easy to let him do it himself and get on with something else.
Instead I joined him
Talked about his colour choices
Let his 'craft' be interesting to me
These kind of times are times I never regret. Stopping to be with my boys never actually means the important stuff doesn't get done - this is the important stuff.
He was so proud of it
Course the use of the reverse camera is also easy, instant fun!

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

Create Hope Inspire

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

I look forward to seeing your linkies this week. The code for the button is just on the right ------------>


  1. So good when they have a drawing session & well said - that this is the important stuff. We had chalk art on the back porch yesterday :)

  2. LOVE the photo of him with his finger on his cheek
    Adorable little man

  3. I love your comment about this being the important stuff. You couldn't more right :)

  4. gorgeous wee family you are, gorgeous in every way x

  5. You can see he's so proud - quite right too! Is this a pillowcase?

  6. So cute - so nice to stop and spend time x

  7. So cute!! Thank you for hosting! I am a mom of 5 under the age of 9 and we color almost every night...its a little hectic at times but still memories!! I am hosting today also at - swing by if you can!

  8. Colouring is so much fun, for adults too! I love to colour in sometimes. I find it helps me to relax.


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