
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Weekly Recipe and Foodie Fun

Last week I didn't post a recipe I'd completed. It wasn't that I hadn't done one other things just crowded in.

So last weeks cookies from Ladies a Plate - check out the website some of the recipes are on there. Orange cookies sandwiched together with chocolate - mmmm. Note to self although adding orange juice to the chocolate seems like a wonderful jaffa-y idea it might make your chocolate seize.

2nd note to self - they still taste good.

Todays recipe is from the Frankie Afternoon Tea book and comes from Pip Lincolne from Meet Me At Mike's fame. It is chocolate chip cookies. These looked nothing like the ones in the photo - at all - but they still tasted lovely.


For more fun with food pop over to Ange's and click on the linky button to see who is playing.

and happy birthday to my lovely mama xx



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