
Monday, February 25, 2013

B.M.W.B - Making A Fuss

In November this year wee Bounce will be starting school. I have 8 months of him all to myself during the week.

So we've taken his kindy down to 2 days and on the other days I am planning to enjoy every moment with him.

So this week I've been about making a fuss of him. Doing the things we love to do together. Sitting in a bean bag at the library together reading for an hour.

Taking films of him singing.


Taking photos of him just because he is gorgeous.

Taking trips to the library on scooters and bikes

I love this boy so much and this week I've been doing my best to try and communicate that to him in lots of ways.

The Atlas has been home this week recovering after his surgery and he's just the best at making the boys feel important.

Please have a look back at last weeks linkies there are some inspiring reads and some wonderful ideas. :O)

Create Hope Inspire

Becoming the Mama I want to be is about taking time to enjoy the journey of parenting, to honour it's value and to hopefully inspire and encourage each other. 

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be

I look forward to seeing your linkies this week. The code for the button is just on the right ------------>


  1. We've blogged about similar things - our babies starting school . . . .
    Hope Atlas is on the mend

  2. That warm fuzzy feels like your heart is going to burst love but no matter what you say or do you cant convey just how terribly much you love them... Gorgeous boy and wonderful Mama xx

  3. Such a great idea to cut down his hours and squeeze in more mana-kid fun-its he sort of thing lifeling memories are made of miriam. Wonderful x

  4. Loving that wooden spoon shot! No doubting we're from the same gene pool ;-)

  5. I Love the sound of that plan...that time home goes so quickly and it can really set the scene for the next few years when they begin school. xxx

  6. Love your sister's comment ;p - also loving the black and white shots with the cheeky grin - I know he knows just how much you love him.

  7. Gorgeous post of family love and enjoying the precious times you have together x


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