
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wardrobe Wednesday and Make My Week

Looking for the Wardrobe Wednesday Linky? It's over here :o)

So lovely Kelly is now hosting the WW linky but I wanted to join her on her maiden voyage. I also wanted to show y'all my new dress.

The photos are not my best work (actually they are The Atlas work but they aren't his best either) and I maybe should have taken them before I biked to school, to kindy and to meet a friend for coffee and then home. Hence the wrinkly skirt (which needed ironing before I even started!)

I was given this fabric from Leonie last year and it is SO perfect and beautiful I wanted to be sure to make something equally wonderful to match it. So I made the ladybird practise dress from the pattern first. It's Swiss and it is retro and I cannot tell you how much I love it.

I need to adjust the fit a little bit in the top but overall I think it's better in real life.

I'm also wearing my new DIY glitter shoes and some white floral fishnets that didn't last the day. Possibly a good thing, I think they might make me look like I have a horrible skin disease.

Life feels kinda busy at the moment but I'm feeling a clothes sewing urge so I hope I can start making some of the things I'm keen to.

Outfit details:
Dress handmade Pattern - McCalls 6379

Tights - hand-me-down
Earrings - handmade from vintage buttons
Shoes - op shopped and made over
Bracelet - made from old 2 cent coins a gift from The Atlas

Pearls- gift
Lipstick - was my grandmothers - which I think is cool, but might gross some people out. My gran had a very particular way of putting on lippy so I always recognise hers - they look like an upside down wine glass. (she also had rather a penchant for expensive things so her lippys are always flash ones!)

Hair - requires more effort..... sigh.... lazy and low-maintenance!

Joining in with Kelly for Wardrobe Wednesday

and Leonie for Crafty Show n Tell - go forth and be inspired :o)
 Show & Tell Thursday's


  1. Your dress is lovely. I always like blue. It is very summery

  2. The print of the dress looks great on you.

  3. Looks awesome - great job. The pattern really suits the fabric and vice versa!

  4. Groovy and bombshell all rolled into one! Love it :)

  5. You are so talented! Beautiful dress, but I do agree about the tights. Maybe they would look good peeking out above boots (if salvagable from today). Thanks so much for your support getting WW up and going!

  6. Aren´t you clever Miriam. making the dress.
    The colour and pattern is beautiful, and enhances your lovely figure to perfection.

  7. Great dress in a great colour - very flattering Miriam and so glad you haven't fallen out of love with it yet! x

  8. Such a beautiful dress. You look lovely. It's a great color.


  9. Great dress - love the fabric :)

  10. Love that fabric - 'tis so you x


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