
Friday, February 22, 2013

Little Things

Today is the second anniversary of 'that quake'

So I am grateful for the fact I can remember this day and I can be with those I love. Today will be 2 years for some families, 2 years since they lost a person they loved - tragically, unexpectedly, a devastating loss.

I am grateful for a roof over head

Water from the taps that is safe to drink (for what seemed months we boiled every drop)

For electricity

a toilet - inside, that flushes

phone lines that work and texts that can be flicked off without thought

Today is a good day to stop and give thanks for the important things of which my life is filled

I am grateful for the things that matter most

Photo from Oxford Terrace Baptist Church memorial ’185 Empty Chairs’ - image found here

Other images taken by The Atlas when he was in the Red Zone not long after.

Joining in with Meghan


  1. tears at the baby capsule
    remembering always my friends in Christchurch

  2. WOW! How powerful are these images! And that baby capsule... Seeing such destruction breaks your heart. Keep being thankful Miriam :) I count my blessings everyday.

    Sophie xo

  3. My heart goes out to all those families that lost someone and all those who continue to live in Christchurch with their lives forever changed. Such powerful images, especially the baby capsule xxx

  4. What powerful photos! <3
    Visiting from MNM's

  5. Powerful photos, the 185 empty chairs is a tear jerker. x

  6. A beautiful and moving tribute to your city Miriam xx

  7. The photo of the white chairs is very moving. As is the last photo of the wreckage and the chair in front. love to you all.

  8. A great reminder of the many things that we take for granted that were taken from so many. thanks for sharing. xx

  9. Thinking of you all, big hugs xx

  10. Lovely post - thinking of you all. Big hugs xx

  11. I can sit here in my intact living room, using internet and complain out how cramped it is with 6 people in a two bdrm house and about how annoying it is to have baths in two inches of water,and I could go on...but in all reality I am thankful that my house is still intact and we have a roof over our heads that we can call our own, and I'm surrounded by all my family :) Incredibly sobering!! xxx

  12. Thinking of you all. You have a lovely way with words. Hugs.

  13. yes yes yes to all those things. I'll never take clean water and flushing loos for granted ever again! Also 185 chairs is the most poignant of all the art pieces/sculptures around about 'that' event. I must remember to take a camera next time.


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