
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Make My Week # 52 - Bits and Bobs

I always find this number 52 post such a pleasure to write. I get such a sense of satisfaction in making it to the end of the year and knowing I have made 52 things during the year.
Christmas Eve PJs
This week I include some things I haven't shared because I didn't want to spoil Leonie's surprises in the Advent swap or I just ran out of space to share because I made something else that week too, or I didn't share because I did them for Wardrobe Wednesday (like I did this week).

So for your viewing pleasure the final random installment of things I made over the year.

I'd love to do a montage of all the things I made but unless I feel highly motivated in the next couple of days it isn't going to happen - and actually just now I'm highly motivated to start making new things for 2013 and to sort out and de-clutter my little sewing room.
Advent Gifts for Leonie

I don't think there are any linkies going on this week so I'm just all here by myself with you for wonderful company.

Don't you love this little sheep? His costume zips from top to bottom at the back....


  1. We have so loved your handmade goodies (and everything else!) What a year! Bring on the next one! Love your little sheep x

    1. yeah the little sheep was my cutest creation for the year :o)

  2. aww how super cute is your little sheep !loving all your handmade stuff !
    popping in from Leonies Linky :)

    1. thanks Lisa! It's nice to look back at the things you've made :o)


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