
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Advent - The Final Installment

The final 3 days of Advent absolutely blew me away.

Through the whole of the advent swap I was so blessed by the thoughtfulness, creative talent and heart-felt generosity I undeservedly received from Leonie.

Day 23

This AMAZING cushion. I have such a thing about Suffolk Puffs and this one has so inspired me to make myself some more puff-craft.

and more beads I love

The boys received their final installment of our nativity pieces

Day 24:

The boys were given these gorgeous pillow case covers with PJ pockets and handles for transporting to story telling spots and sweet golden books too.

and I received this stunningly beautiful hand-made necklace (which I then planned my Christmas outfit around) and this incredible hand-made bag - can you imagine the hours and hours of stitching that went into this???

Christmas Day:
The boys received gorgeous books and these stunning hand-made place mats (Bounce has decided it's rather too good for that and it is actually a quilt for his teddy)

and I received this amazing cook book which I have looked at wistfully before

and my own hand made tu-tu/ petticoat. You can bet I am already planning an outfit based around this gorgeous piece of loveliness.

Leonie (ever generous) also sent a gift for The Atlas - unfortunately we had a letter box break in on Christmas Eve so I am really, really hoping it was not in there at the time.....praying instead it has been caught up in the backlog of Christmas post along with another gift that was due to arrive for another family member.

I cannot begin to really describe how special and humbled I have felt throughout December and even more special I have had the pleasure of meeting Leonie and I have her now as a new and amazing friend. I am blessed and blissed!! :o)


  1. And you my dear have no idea how much it warms my heart that you all loved it! Seriously - I have a tear or two... :) I will miss our daily emails and stories. Merry Christmas again, and enjoy. Be blessed and blissed and feel loved xx

    1. yeah I've so loved those daily emails it has made Dec so beautiful, my lovely friend xxx

  2. awesome gifts was a fun swap i enjoyed mine too'
    hugs xo

  3. so much work has gone into those beautiful gifts-that woman has so much enrgy, and generosity! i recently had the little and friday book out of the library and have photocopied so many pages-awesome gift! x

    1. she is an amazing woman and I agree the cook book looks gorgeous!


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