
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Make My week #50 - In My Birthday Suit

I'm counting this as my December dress even though technically I made it before December.

This is what I wore to my birthday. I invited some of the gorgeous women in my life over. What better way to celebrate a birthday than to celebrate the women that make my life such a pleasure. I made high tea, of sorts, and we all sat and word bombed each other.

I made this pattern from a vintage pattern - one from the early sixties and there are no pattern markings on the tissue. So you need to read the instructions to know these 3 holes mean on the fold or this marking means grainline etc. The original didn't have the puffy over skirt but I felt the fabric called for it.

I made the under garment in calico and the over part is a net curtain I picked up at a church fair for $3. I love the wee raised daisies and the subtle lemony colour. 2 people stopped me in the supermarket to comment on it so I consider that a success!!

I wore it with my self-made necklace, self-made earrings, thrifted beads and shoes from Melbourne. One of the mums from schools aid to me 'you look very dressed up' and I aid yeah but I bet my whole outfit is much cheaper than yours. Dress - pattern free, calico $15, net $3. Shoes $20. Necklace about $20 because I did it in a class, earrings - free, beads - 50c Total Outfit= $58.50 (I'm thriftier than Gok!)

Did you enter my giveaway? I keep adding wee things to it. :o)

So this year I challenged myself to make a new piece of clothing each month - here is a breakdown of the clothes I have made this year.

There were a couple of months I seemed to forget but other months I did a few extra so currently it stands at 16 makes and I do have at least 2 more I hope to make in the next 2 weeks!!

I'd love to know your favourite.
I've so enjoyed making something a piece of clothing each month - it's got me thinking about challenges for next year! (and how much I pose with my hands on my hips!!)
Joining in with our creative spaces.


  1. What a gorgeous dress! I love it! Cute shoes too!

  2. very pretty dress - boy I wish I could make anything.

    1. I enjoy the process and that makes it worthwhile for me

  3. Well done - and what imagination to see what's possible with a net curtain. You have made some amazing stuff Miriam and obviously do well with picking the right shapes for your body.

    My favourite is the dress with the red boots - is that a pohutakawa fabric?

    1. I do love that wee dress it's more William Morris than pohutakawa but it certainly has a similarity to it.

  4. Another beautiful dress to add to your 2012 collection! Can't believe it is made from curtain fabric - just stunning with those shoes.

    1. Thanks so much Judith - the shoes do give it a lift

  5. This may very well be my favourite dress of yours!! Its beautiful! And I LOVE the overlay of the floaty fabric, looks so lovely. Very feminine!

    Lookin' fab m'Lady


    1. Thanks lovely! I do love the fabric rather a lot

  6. I have asked my husband which he likes best, and he says the fifties look - so the red dress on the top row, the turquoise check, and your latest. But my favourite is the pink roses.

    1. Thanks I love hearing about which ones appeal to whom - I must ask my hubby what he thinks

  7. Very very nice - i am struggling to pick a favourite though! Well done you on all your makes!

  8. how could i not read this post with a title like that! that dress is divine-i love the colour and the floaty skirt, i bet you'll wear it out this summer-it screams picnics by the avon! you have made some amazing clothes; hard to pick a fave-either this dress or the turquoise one x

    1. Thanks Max there is something very picnic by the avon about this dress I agree :o)

  9. Wow, well done you! My favourites are this months - just beautiful! - and the one with the big pink flowers with different fabric for part of the bodice. I would absolutely wear both of them!

    1. Thanks Jess - it is so nice looking over them all!

  10. This is so, so, so pretty, Miriam. I think it's my favourite. You've done a fantastic job with your challenge. Look at all your fab new dresses! x

    1. Thanks so much - I am pretty stoked with them all

  11. I love that dress! The colour is great, I can see why you got stopped in the supermarket, it's gorgeous.

  12. That dress is lovely! It looks almost exactly like one that my mother wore.


  13. I think the red dress in the top row is absolutely beautiful!!!!!


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