
Friday, December 14, 2012

At the end of a busy week

with parcels in the post and Christmas cards too (you know who you are)

gingerbread house making

school concerts

and bike races

and bouncy castles at kindy
and joyful laughing together as a family

Christmas is just around the corner but don't miss out on today because you are so focussed on tomorrow  next week.

Hear your children laugh (or better yet make them laugh), welcome your partner home with a moment of true eye contact and a joyful smile.

This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.


  1. Love the gingerbread house... I am hoping to make some cookies and get Lydia to help me ice them in the next 24 hours; as practise for Christmas Day (will make some more Christmas Eve and take them to the family on C'mas Day)!

    Your boys are SO cute... those school production photos are just gorgeous!

    1. Thanks - they are very sweet to go with their cute looks too. :o)

  2. Don't you just love this time of year. I love the gingerbread house as well. I really must attempt one with the kids!

    1. Thankfully all the gingerbread pieces were made by a friend so they worked!! :O)

  3. Busy busy but looks like fun! I hope to have time for a gingerbread house this week too! Hope things aren't too frantic this week xx

    1. no it seems to be over the worst now... I think!


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