
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Make My Week 41 - The Perfect Present for Teachers

I love Spring it gives me this sudden burst of crafting energy. This week I have done all sorts of bits and pieces.

I saw an idea similar to this on Pinterest and I thought it looked like fun so I promptly bought myself a wee saw and a tiny drill bit (haven't managed this part yet)

as with all good creative projects I tried one like what I saw and then I changed things to my own ideas.
I am turning these into brooches.

There is a bit of work on the hand holding the pencils while you saw but on the whole these are a super easy, super cute project and one I think would make a lovely and do-able present for teachers at the end of the year.

If you don't count the RSI and the purchasing of a new saw (which was only $10) it was also cheap. Some hot glue, brooch backs and a packet of pencils - $2.90.
Joining in with Our Creative Spaces - click the button on the right.

Are you a gifter for teachers? What kinds of things do you buy?
Do you find that you go off on your own tangent when you start making things or do you stick firmly to the pattern?


  1. These are so fun! I'm a teacher and this would be a lovely gift to receive! I'm also going to attempt your idea with the crayons and canvas for when I do a colour unit after Christmas! The kids in my class are deaf and have additional and very complex needs, so it'd be the perfect visual stimulating! :)

    1. hi Nikki - I think they'd really enjoy it and the point of the crayon art is that there is no correct final result. I am currently learning NZ sign language and have some deaf friends at church.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jennie and quick too - always a bonus!

  3. There is just something about pencil creations that are so very, very cute - great job!

  4. Wow, that's a very cool idea. My kids aren't at school yet but hopefully one day I'll be just as crafty! :)
    Ronnie xo

    1. They'd be great for a stationery lover or librarian too!

  5. They are so cute!
    I love gifting teachers, and it's always handmade.
    I've made oilcloth lunchbags before, and shortbread, and home made jam.
    Its the simple things that are the sweetest!

    1. Yes - oilcloth lunchbags are definitely on my to-do list

  6. These are great !Very cool idea.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Kirsty - so lovely of you to visit :o)

  8. Super cool ! We are doing yo yo Christmas trees for our teachers.. But I am a sucker for a cute brooch! Might have to give it a go.

    1. Yeah I might end up keeping them for me!! :o) I love your yo-yo trees. :o)

  9. They look great. What a fab idea. How do you get the reply thing under comments?

    1. Thanks Kylie. The reply thing just appears on mine i'm not sure how or why (technical isn't my skill set) - sorry i can't be more helpful.

  10. I am one of those off on a tangent kind of project makers, most don't finish as I had planned at the start - that's the best part! visiting from the mycreativespace linky, your pencil brooches look fab!

    1. Thanks so much - I always get distracted too :o)


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