
Friday, October 12, 2012

Hello Friday I'm A Little Sad to See You

Normally I am so happy to greet Fridays but when it comes to the last day of the school holidays I feel a little sad. I so enjoy having my boys home and the easy relaxed pace. The time to craft and hang out... the little things of having the 2 best kids in the world nearby to listen to and watch.

This week I have loved watching them both make amazing leaps in the swimming pool. It's the first time Bounce has done these kind of lessons (5 in a row) and it has been such a treat to be in the water with him. 'Ma' took one day and I got to take photos.

As for Flip I love the way he listens and concentrates so hard on his lessons. He is such a delightful wee chap.

Lunch in the sunshine with The Atlas

Spontaneous cupcakes with Ma after swimming.

Public Art - the great thing about a city in ruins is that people are able and allowed to decorate space and make sweet statements about life. So much of the city is bare and tangled and ugly but in so many of those spaces people are making beauty - love it.

The ring and earrings and brooch I whipped up one night in front of the TV. Love those quick projects that satisfy a crafty itch.

Getting ready for the Advent Swap - a perfect opportunity for someone who loves buying and making presents to get over excited.

Finally I'm loving that this time next week, God willing, I'll be in Melbourne with The Atlas - husband extraordinaire. 2 days and 3 nights while Aunty N and Uncle A move in to our place to play parents. If you have been to Melbourne before please leave me any must dos.

Have a great weekend. Let the sun shine in!


  1. Yay for treats with grandma! And enjoy your break with your hubby :)

  2. Love love love all the bits in this post! so exciting about going away - we went to Melbourne for our honeymoon but basically just walked around the city, went to see whatever took our fancy and ate and ate and ate... Hope you have an amazing time!

  3. Lovely post. The brooch you have made is absolutely beautiful! Such a graceful little cameo. Where did you find it?

    1. just at a jewelry findings shop - really simple

  4. Love love love Melbourne...I think the beauty is is the wandering and discovering whats around the next won't be disappointed. xx

  5. Love the little bits you made!! I especially like the red cameo.


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