
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday - about as 80s as I can manage

Sticking with an era for inspiration I'm working within some of the 80s parameters this week.

There will be exceptions:
- shoulder pads (all ready have my own naturally robust shoulders padding not needed)
- crop tops and exposed midriff - yeah not really thinking anyone would appreciate a large exposure of white stretched mark tummy (I know you can thank me later)

I'm not actually a great fan of the 80s fashions - power suits, MC hammer pants, oversized fluro t-shirts, overalls!, stone-washed jeans, pants that don't quite make it all the way to the ankles.....

Last week I was all 1950s and I do really, really love the shape but I also have to have fun with the way I dress. I am not a uniform wearer. I am about personality and fun. I like dressing up and I like variety.

This is my 'I <3 Jesus' dress which I first showed off here.
This is my 'day-wear' version.

Footless tights - hand-me-down
Shoes - Emily the Strange $7 from a school fair
Dress - $0 fabric and pattern gifted everything else from my stash, handmade
Jacket - bought in Amsterdam in 2004 from Vera Moda I think

Do you stick to a similar style of dressing most days or are you like me feminine one day, channelling a bit of punk the next?

Some more outfits I've thrown together this year

For a sneaky inside other wardrobes try the pleated poppy or lovely Nin at Sailor Spy
Wardrobe Wednesday at


  1. Love it - you dress the way I wish I had the courage to!

  2. Yay - the Jesus dress - I love this, tis sooo fun! Great Cyndi Lauper restyle - high tops, coloured tights. I agree there was much in the 80's to mock, but if you scratch the surface there are some great looks to work with. And yes I and completely all over the century with my dressing - keep 'em guessing I say!!

    1. Yeah I'm coming around to thinking there are some okay elements

  3. I love your hair cut by the way (I meant to comment on an earlier post and forgot). That blazer and those shoes are all kinds of awesome - the 80s suits you well ;)

  4. OMG - what a cool look! LOVE the shoes. LOVE them! And the embroidery on the back of the blazer - perfect!
    Let's follow each other!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  5. You are totally rockin it! and I love you new jhair do!


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