
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make My Week # 33 - Inspired

At our church when people have a new baby they are made meals by people for a week. It is so wonderful to be on the receiving end of these. Recently we've had 3 friends give birth and I was making a meal for one set last night. I always like to do a dessert and I quite like the cupcake thing.
The new big sister (19 months) has this gorgeous top that is made of wide pink and green stripes that looks a lot like a watermelon. So Bounce and I made them some watermelon inspired cup cakes to finish off the meal.
I always feel like doing baking as make my week is cheating (because my baking isn't flash and I do it every week) but I am trying to embrace creativity wherever it comes and value it. I am often amazed and inspired by other people's baking and see them as very creative. Here is one such source of tempting inspiration!

To see what other people are creating click on the Creative Spaces button on the right.

Do you have rules for what counts as creative pursuit? Where do you most express your creativity?

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