
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Make My Week #30 - Stitching and a Giveaway

I have got a black work embroidery book out of the library a couple of times now and felt very inspired by it and when I asked for traveling crafts recently a few people suggested some stitch work so I had a rummaged through my extensive craft book collection and found one with some black work stitches in it.

All of this is just free-hand rambling rather than following patterns which is good because the fabric is very fine and it would have been a nightmare to be counting carefully.

I made the first one in response to a verse in the book of Job (in the Bible) that spoke to me. I realise it's fairly random out of context and personal meaning - suffice to say it is about how I feel about bearing the scent of hope in my life and how I hope that might affect/ give hope to others.....

the others are wee brooches I whipped up for fun playing with stitches and with the words from my blog title. One of the 'inspires' didn't turn out as I had envisaged it (happens when you make stuff up as you go along!) so I made another one.

So to the July giveaway -  this month I want to make a personalised hand stitched brooch for you. To enter all you need to do is leave a comment with the word you would want on a brooch. You can also say which style you like best if you want to. I'm happy to send one of these wee chaps anywhere in the world. Entries close Friday 3rd of August 2012.

On the subject of giveaways - bookworms and people who like great ideas for kids head over here pronto - your choice of book giveaway and a great blog to read - yes please.

For other crafty stuff I have made lately look here
For other people's crafty makings head over here.


  1. Ooh great brooches! Hmm, a word for a brooch, let me think for a sec.....
    .... maybe ...
    yep, maybe - how is that for a word - it's not a yes, not a no, not a promise or a lie, it's just maybe!

    1. Ha that is a great word and one I say often

  2. I love the little brooches - so sweet.

  3. Lovely wee brooches - you're so clever! I think 'Believe' would be a good has different connotations for different people.

  4. Oh it is so hard to come up with a word on the spot...maybe the word 'loveable'

  5. Consulted my children. Little one said "wonder" which I thought was quite good. But big one said "minecraft". Sigh.

    1. ha ha that is awesome. I'll stick with wonder then?

  6. Gorgeous brooches!
    How about 'contented'??

    1. Gill! contentment is my word for the year! Great minds...

  7. Let me see, "persist" is a good word; "hope" is good; I think I'd like "believe" if I win. Thanks! Nice blog.

  8. these are adorable,! "vintage" which describes me perfectly:) thanks for the chance!

    1. yes vintage suits the style of brooches too I think

  9. I'm a librarian.. so I'd love one that says "Shshsh" (ironically of course.. we don't really say that )

  10. 'beieve' :0) would be a cool word.

  11. Great brooches!! I think wicked on a brooch would look choice!

  12. This would be an awesome thing to do with the kids on a rainy day, get their creative juices flowing!

  13. This is a fantastic idea, be an awesome thing to do with the kids on a rainy day, get their (and miy) creative juices flowing!!

  14. Love these brooches, maybe hope or inspire, no would have to be graditude, thanks


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