
Friday, July 27, 2012

And Then It Was Friday

It's been a busy week and I've felt a bit tired and blah this week, so the perfect time to remind myself that my life is in fact overflowing in all the best things.
I loving parcels in the post - fingerless gloves from this lovely felt shop image. (image from felt)

A pay it forward book giveaway started by Meghan and forwarded on by Ange....

Doing another giveaway - please enter if you are keen
Lunch with The Atlas - Bounce has just started one full kindy day and so The Atlas and I went out for lunch - like on a date. Love this man.

and an ATM that dispenses coin rolls - whoot! All my small change pocket money issues solved. I really, really am excited by this - I bought $20 worth of 10c, 20c and 50c pieces today. (found this image online - mine are NZ currency!)

See what other lovelies have stopped to enjoy here


  1. Yay, so glad you are reading Bloom :-)those arm warmers are coolio....and gosh that ATM idea is fab - is it a special one or are all ATMs going to be doing that?

    1. It's the first ATM I have seen like that. I think it is set up for small businesses who need change. It's at and ASB.

  2. that ATM coin roll is such a good idea!! and yay for lunch dates, what a treat!

    1. Seriously so excited about a lunch date with my man I feel both young and grown up at the same time!

  3. Love those gloves, and your lunch date with your man - lucky!
    Hope you enjoy 'Bloom' xx

  4. I need some of those gloves! My hands are cold and especially so at night when I'm working! (Cold hands, warm heart :) ) Go lunch dates!

    1. I do love my gloves very much and she was lovely to deal with too


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