
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why Yes I am Looking Great - Thanks for noticing!

As you know I am fairly new to blogger and I'm not familiar with layouts, templates and all the computer jargon-y stuff! And yet, I am sporting a new header and a fancy new colour scheme......

Let me let you in on a little secret - Sophie Slim. Sophie is a Christchurch Mama, Blogger and all around computer designer expert type and she's been pimping my blog.

What's even cooler is that this same Sophie is doing a series on how to make your own blog more gorgeous. She also has a great giveaway to have your own header sorted if you are keen.

Head over and meet Sophie and her gorgeous blog.


  1. Beautiful Miriam! I love the new look! That Sophie, she's a treasure!

  2. Gosshh thanks Miriam!

    As you can tell, super easy! I'm sure you could have done it yourself ;)


    1. Maybe I could have but not with your lovely voice, not in 5 minutes and definitely not without some huffing and puffing!!

  3. Looks awesome M....hope I'm next on her to do list :D

  4. Looking very flash! I'm having a chuckle to myself as I sit here imagining you trying to manipulate the templates, colours and widgets. But if you're that way inclined, it's not really that difficult - yeah ok, I'm showing off ;-)


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