
Monday, June 4, 2012

B.M.W.B #23 - Memories

When my boys are men and people ask them about their childhoods  I know there will be things they want to do differently for their own families but something I really hope is that they will have many 'tales to tell'.
I want them to have memories that are rich in laughter and intimacy, shared moments, family in-jokes. No because we are an exclusive set but because we 'belong to each other'.

Last Friday morning we told our boys that we were having a family sleepover by the fire that night - they were beyond excited. That night we dragged out the mattresses and read stories in front of the fire before going to bed right there.
Flip decided Bounce was too noisy (which should come as no surprise because they share a room!) and ended up in his room, I decided it was too hot and ended up in my room but we all had the fun of, almost, falling asleep together on our 'winter camping adventure'.

What do you hope your children will say when they talk about their childhood?
This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be.


  1. Sounds like heaps of fun, and the sort of thing my boys would really enjoy. Any roasting of marshmallows and making of smores?

    1. No marshmallow roasting or smores but next time I think definitely a 'midnight feast' is in order!

  2. Oh Miriam, I love this. I also have sleepovers on the lounge floor with my daughter Jenny. Now that she's 14 she isn't so keen, but I think she'll enjoy the memories of pushing the furniture back and making nests from cushions and sleeping bags! Enjoy yours! Much love, Amanda xxx

    1. Thanks Amanda - it was a lovely night. It's hard to imagine them being 14 but I know it will happen!


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