
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday #20 - Remix # 1

Due to my rebellion on week 1 this is my first remix for 'remix May'.

Apologies for the photos this week The Atlas was running late out the door and I couldn't be bothered re-shooting!! (it explains why my face is cut off in most of them, oh and it's driving me nuts that the belt and cardi are all off centre! - I'm a bit precious like that sometimes!)

So $8 portmans/op-shop dress mixed with

Tights, belt, necklace and cardi all hand-me-downs from my sister (I know what does she have left in her own!??!)

Boots from Debenhams (UK department store) bought about 6 years ago
I think this outfit looked better in real life.... so you'll have to trust me on that

See what other lovelies are re-mixing here and enter your self the prize is AWESOME!

Wardrobe Wednesday at


  1. You have amazing legs. Amazing. I really love the red mixed with the black and white stripes, it's a great look.

    1. Thank you - it was a good wear for a cooler day

  2. You look great - love the boots!

    1. yeah they were a good purchase and my only pair of black boots

  3. That is a really good combo, especially love how you topped it off with the red tights :)

  4. My favorite is the belt! It's such a great detail :)

    1. thanks - I love the clasp on the belt it's quite deco/art nouveau feeling

  5. It is pretty funny when you think how many of my off-casts have made their way to your wardrobe! I really have had a LOT of clothes in my time!!

    1. I know but I think my wardrobe is 80% from you - good thing I like your taste


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