
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

B.M.W.B #20 - Awards Night

as part of the parenting course we are doing a suggestion was made that kiwi's aren't great at celebrations outside of birthdays - how much do we just celebrate our families for no good reason???

The Atlas got all enthusiastic (love that!) and suggested we have a family awards night each week
on Monday night we each draw a name out of the hat and all week we watch that person and then on a Friday night we have a special candle-lit dinner (we have candles with whatever dinner we planned!)

after dinner each person stands up and talks about who they were watching and what that person did well/ they loved noticing

and gives them an award (a BIG chocolate bar for the first night but usually a mini-bar or something little)
You can see by the boys' expressions how special it was for them

I love that The Atlas is on board with wanting to do a good job of parenting our boys and I love that we have a new family tradition based around noticing each others strengths and contributions.

This year I am making more of a conscious effort to have quality moments with my boys. B.M.W.B (becoming the mama I want to be)  is my way of recording and hopefully inspiring other mama’s too. Please inspire me with the little moments you are snatching with your little people OR with ideas I could do with mine. If you have blogged about it please leave a comment so we can all visit and encourage each other.

Simple. Achievable. Intentional: becoming the mama I want to be


  1. Beautiful. Love the boys expressions! And yay for a husband that's keen to do cool things!

  2. I love this idea! And I love your kids parents (thats you and the atlas!) because they do such a great job. You are so intentional. Even the way you speak about your children. It's so inspiring.

    I need to tell you that the other day when I was around at your place you made a comment and it has fully changed my perception of what I do. You were all "this is my job. this is what i'm good at and I do it well" and I loved that. So intentional, make me want to get up in the morning and do my best, you know?

    Thank you.

    1. Thanks Sophie that is such a generous thing to say... although hearing that I think I am good at my job makes me sound a bit arrogant!!

  3. This is SO fantastic! You are parenting 'intentionally', not just letting it happen.

  4. A great idea - yes, I think getting into a more celebratory mode will do wonders for the family!

    1. Celebrations are good for everyone, I think

  5. So nice! What a lovely idea xx

    1. You'll have to come one night when you are back

  6. So nice - what a lovely idea! x

  7. Your parenting course sounds awesome! what a great family tradition :)


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