A little one's first round of mini-golf

Chinese lanterns on a dark evening

Cousins to stay in the holidays

Natural treasure hunts in Christchurch's beautiful gardens (so well organised and exciting for 5 wee boys)

And friends to enjoy them with

Biking to school Bounce (almost 3.5) biked from our place to school and on to kindy, then home from kindy, then back to school and home and to a friend's place on Tuesday - a good 8km a least - so proud of him.
and I'm loving libraries - free books people, for everyone... such a wonderful and amazing concept
and I am in love with the colours of autumn - it's such a treat to live in a city that has so many amazing trees

check out other grateful lovelies here

Super impressed with Bounce's bike-riding! Can I ask what kind of bile he has? Elliot just has a trike but it's way too small for him now and we'll be getting him a new bike for his birthday in June so I'm looking for some recommendations?
ReplyDeleteNot sure of the brand we got given it as a freebie about 3 years ago. I'll see if I can find any brands and let you know. It's rather small so he can almost use it like a running bike. He had a running bike to start with as well and that made a huge difference to his confidence I think.
DeleteOops, just noticed my spelling mistake - glad you figured out I mean bike and not bile! I like the idea of those running/balance bikes - Elliot's already very good at pedalling, it's the balancing we need to work on now. Might have a nosey around TradeMe...