
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Make My Week #17 - PJ party!

When I did my mad men challenge last month I also ended up with new blogs to read. And one of the new blogs I read (Did You Make That?) has been hosting a PJ sew-along.
What you need to know - yes I wear flannel pjs. Isn't it one of the great mysteries and sorrows of the world that one doesn't look anywhere near as adorable in one's flannel PJs as one feels?

The singlet is from my draws and I sewed the doily on. Flannel was a hand-me-down from a mother's stash.... (call it an estate stash if you will).
Cost $0 all from my stash -whoop! Thanks Karen for such a fun challenge. Check out other ladies in their very respectable and non-inappropriate pjs from 28th of April - here. Apologies for the 'come hither' stare I'm not much of a bedroom model - these were the best of a very average bunch!

Karen also asked everyone to say what was on their bedside table so in light of sharing:

But Is it Real by Amy Orr-Ewing - a great book for people who have intellectual and other objections or questions about Christianity as a faith for intelligent rational people.
How to Keep the YOU in Mum by Karyn Riley - a book I will be reviewing at some point this year.
The latest Burda magazine - quite keen to make this one -

and a book from the library -  Love Vintage a passion for collecting fashion - totally gorgeous book full of beautiful pictures of clothing through the 1900s - tempted to add it to my book wish list.
What are you reading at the moment?

Does this count as my clothing make for the month? I think so!
other crafty spaces over here.


  1. LOVE my pj's I often put them on early evening so comfy
    AND LOVE your pj's go you = zero cost =

    1. I agree $0 Yay! PJs are really all day wear don't you think?

  2. Great pyjamas, what interesting reads too. I'm reading Beijing Tai Tai, again, it makes me laugh so hard, especially as i know the author. Happy sewing, love Posie

    1. Oh I LOVE books that make me laugh especially when they make you laugh aloud!

  3. bet they are really comfy they look good :)

    I LOVE reading and have finished an interesting Australian story called

    1. called?? They are super comfy thanks - tried them out last night no complaints from me

  4. Love your PJ's, very beautiful. That colour really suits you :)

  5. Look at you I your new pjs! I loved this line: "one of the great mysteries and sorrows of the world that one doesn't look anywhere near as adorable in one's flannel PJs as one feels." So observant, so true! x

    1. and so sad - imagine how comfortable life could be!

  6. Haha - bet M loves your come hither look! I personally love flannel and I don't care how nanna that is. I love the wild pattern, it offsets any possible frump factor.

    What a range of reading. I have The Hunger Games (not started yet) and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my nightstand at the moment.

    1. Yes The Hunger Games is getting a lot of hype I'd like to know what you thought

  7. I totally agree with the feeling more adorable than you look in flannels! I have some awesome red 'punk cat' flannel pj's - so comfy, so ridiculous! Love the colours of yours. AND I think you would look completely amazing in the dress from the Burda magazine. A-maz-ing! What colours would you use?

    1. Not sure what colours I'll use I still have to get my head around tracing the pattern off

  8. opps LOL I forgot to tell you what my book was called
    Hearts of Gold by Janet Woods

    1. Thanks. It's always good to get recommendations

  9. Wonderful pjs! Thanks for joining in.

  10. They're very cute, I love the fabric.


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