
Chch Bloggers

A place to find the ever growing list of Christchurch Bloggers


The Christchurch bloggers are diverse and talented.
We try to get together a bit and we are friendly and inclusive.

In alphabetical order:
Adulcia - Beneath The Surface
A Lost Seamstress
And Here's To You You...
Aroha Vintage
Arty Crafty 
Back to Basics
Baby Moko
Bart In Christchurch
Blackbird Has Spoken
Black Swan Designs
Cookies, Cakes and Condiments
Copper Kowhai
Crafty Cake Creative
Create Believe Dream
Create Hope Inspire (you are already here!)
Creative Mama
Diary of a Kiwi Bookcrosser
Fabric Epiphanies
Farmhouse Simple Living
Felt NZ
Frannie Frangipani
Freedom Creative 
Gardening in Amberley
Given blessings, missed in the rush
Hazel Loves Design
Helga Von Trollop 
Hello Lemming
In My Backyard
In The Quiet. In The Chaos
Just A Little Bit Cute
kerryfittell A2NZ: a faith adventure
KiwiMum on a Mission
Le Bons Bay News
Life In B-Town
Liked By Becky
Ma Barmalie
Made With My Two Hands
Make It Give It - Let It Shine 
Midwest Freedom
more than rubies - a mama's musings 
Mrs P Travels
Mudbird Ceramics
My Kitchen Faith
On A Crafty Adventure
Our Tiny Landscapes
Paradise Lost
Pretty Event Design Co.
Realistic Reflections
Redflax Creates
Rose In Thorns
Ruth's Reflections
SAHM I am - Stay At Home Mum
Sailor Spy
Sew Pretty 
Small Footprints
Sophie Slim
String Herder
Stitching Always
Suburban Homemade 
Sue's Blog
Sweet As NZ Girl 
Tall Pipi
Tammy Roses
Tartan Kiwi
The Make Cafe
The Queen Stitch
Thrifty Gifty 
This Mum Rocks
The Adventures of Holly
The Far Side of the World
Treacy Travels
Tutti Frutti
Warming Crafts
What Country Memories Are Made Of 
What's She Wearing?
Works In Progress

 Are you a Christchurch blogger?? I'd love to hear from you if you'd like to be included in our messy, happy group email me makeitgiveit(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Ooh yay! I'm one too! Thanks for this list of new people to visit! :)

  2. Thank you for adding me to your list :)

  3. Thanks! I never knew there were so many of us!!

  4. If you are a Christchurch blogger an would like to be added to our list please send me your dets to makeitgiveit(at)gmail(dot)com - we'd love to include you

  5. Wow! Thats so cool. I had no idea either that there were so many other bloggers down here too. Awesome!

  6. great work miriam! it's going to take me a wee while to visit them all, but i shall try!

  7. Thanks for adding me to the list :-)

  8. Yay! It was so cool to meet so many CHCH bloggers the other day - even if I was quite shy and didn't manage to meet everyone. Power to us all! x

  9. Hi there! I was delighted to learn about this group through your website. Alas, I no longer live in Christchurch but will take the time to visit the members and support you all from a distance. Cheers!


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