Hi there - I'm Miriam.
Mama to two boys.
Wife to one man - The Atlas - who I love, very much. Married in 1999.
I began blogging in 2010. I liked the record of creative endeavours, a growing family and the connection point to the world around me. I found reading other blogs exposed me to other sources of inspiration. It connected me with new people. It taught me what it was like to walk in other shoes.
In May 2012 I shuffled myself over here to blogger and this is where you have landed at Create Hope and Inspire.
I'd like this to be a place where I will be and embrace all the randomness that I am and a place where you feel welcome and hopefully where you are encouraged.
I create stuff - all sorts of stuff I am not fixed on any one thing and if you hang around you'll see that. Pretty much I try to create or complete something creative every week. I don't have a shop, I sometimes do commissions but mostly I make stuff for my own pleasure, for gifts, to swell my wardrobe, to try new things, because it is cheaper than buying and it helps to justify the stash of fabric and crafting implements, books and machinery I have accumulated!
I hope for good things (pretty much overly optimistic), I hope to be a force for good and I have a Hope - the kind you spell with a capital! because I know I am forgiven, because I know my life was bought with a King's ransom, because I know I am loved and I am called to be a demonstration of perfect all en-compassing love in the world. I know I will fail at this many, many times but I am on a journey and I hope not to waste a day of that journey.
And maybe, unbelievably I might inspire - inspire you to embrace the creative within you, inspire you to adore family you have, inspire you to have a go, inspire you to open your heart to be loved. I am inspired every day by the things I see in my boys, my husband, my family, my friends, creation, words, art... and in blogs and it is my sincere hope that this too will be a place of love, encouragement, hope and inspiration.
I am: enthusiastic, colourful, messy, loud, emotional, creative, growing, imperfect, mother, friend, lover, baker, distracted, actor, usually intentional, speaker, creative, encouraging, a starter......
I am Miriam and this is my blog.
Thank you for being a part of my journey and for every positive comment you leave in this space.
** Review policy - you will see that I do a lot of book reviewing. Most of these books are received from publishers. I do not receive payment for reviewing books but I do receive the books for free #luckyme!
- if I have not received a book from a publisher I will clearly state this in the post, otherwise there will be publisher info in the blog and a link to their site.
Any book I receive to review I have requested. I do not receive unsolicited books or products.
From time to time I also review other products on my blog - sometimes these are received and other times I just want to tell you about something I love. I will make this clear in the post.
My reviewing policy is that I don't post negative reviews - if I receive a book, service or item that I do not like I will not review it. :-) That's the way I like to play. I do see a place for critical reviewing but that's not on my blog. I live with the conviction the world is a small place, a lot of work goes in to writing, illustrating, editing and publishing a book. If I don't like it I won't recommend it but I also won't take time to give it a negative review either.
Hi Miriam, I love your name and your blog! :-)
ReplyDeleteHey could you do me a favour and let your wendesday-wardrobe.link list stay open a bit longer? I´m from germany, and it is quite hard for me to be in your list. Because I´m a mom too a can blog only after 10 in the night so I don´t know, but that has to be still one day later at yours. Now it is half past eleven in the night and you just posted your thursday post :-D
Whaaaaa no chance for me!
Love Mirja
I´m your newest follower!
Hi Mirja - I would love to have you join up with Wardrobe Weds the link is open for a whole week and I always come back to check for new people linking in. PLease do link in next week. My other regular posts keep going but the linky is still open. :o)