
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bookish - The Visitor

Hey friends,

One of the things I love about Gecko Press is how selective they are in the titles that they publish. All of their books have some kind of unexpected or quirky way of seeing the world or telling a story.

The Visitor by Antje Damm is no different.

The story is about Elise who is frightened of everything so her life exists only in the four walls of her home. Until, one day, quite unexpectedly there is a knock on the door and her little visitor will change everything for her.

This is a beautiful story, gently told, about the power of small people to just be themselves and bring love and colour into the world.

The pictures are 3 dimensional sets that the author has created and have a doll's house like quality to them.

A book to treasure.

Details - Gecko Press, July 2018 RRP $29.99 HB (follow the link for a peak inside at the illustrations)

love you more than a paper aeroplane at just the right moment xxx

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