
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Bookish - The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes

Heya Friends,

Now that I am studying part time sitting down to read for pleasure feels like such an indulgence. I think I stopped reading for pleasure about midway through high school, I neglected it while studying and teaching and I didn't really get back into it until I was home with my children. It's a shame really - all those books I could have got through.

Recently I read Ruth Hogan's book The Particular Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes. The book is Marsha's story, a life that was stunted by a terrible event 12 years earlier. For the following years she has been stuck and unable to go on. Her spare time is shared between the cemetery and the local outdoor pool where she is unable to drown herself, even though she would like to.

Two highly unexpected women make their way into Marsha's life and piece by piece the rare, and unseen beauty of their lives invites her to embark on a journey back to a life that is filled with life.

I so enjoyed this book. I love that the best and brightest characters were older women who had refused to live the life society would have dictated to them. The joy they offered others in just being unapologetically themselves is a great invitation to us all.

Details - Hachette NZ, May 2018 RRP $34.99

love you more than a perfect chorus delivered to hungry crows xxx

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