
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Bookish - Listen for the Weather

Kia ora koutou,

Listen for the Weather by Justine Delaney Wilson is the latest novel to transfer itself off my to-be-read pile. (It is a large pile and not helped by my propensity to buy books!).

The book follows Beth and Steven and the idyllic life they have built since immigrating from Ireland to NZ. A life whose smooth surface is about to be well and truly changed by a gigantic rock, in the form of a dalliance whose consequences can no longer be forgotten.

The book is hard to read but I imagine very realistic for any person who has watched their marriage slowly imploding even as they try to weave the straws of it back together. It's a story of consequences and heartaches and insecurities and lives that are so entwined there may be nothing left if they come untwined.

There are some lovely moments in the book and many ones where you want to reach through a slap a character (or two!).

I think it's the kind of story that will stay with me for some time and give me insight into just how difficult the journey of love sometimes is for people.

Details - Hachette NZ, May 2018 RRP $34.99

love you more than a 19 year old boy who defends his mama xxx

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