
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bookish - Differently Normal

Kia ora Koutou,

Today's novel is written by NZ author Tammy Robinson.

Differently Normal is a novel that follows Maddy - whose life doesn't get to be typical.

With Bee, her autistic sister Maddy and her mother have to live their lives in line with Bee's needs. Maddy doesn't mind though, she adores Bee and she's okay with living a life that isn't all about falling in love.

When Maddy meets Albert at Bee's riding school there isn't any spark, she's just not interested and besides there is no room in her life for anyone. It seems though that Albert has a tenacity that Maddy's not quite prepared for... is her life really too complicated for love?

I enjoyed that Maddy wasn't falling over herself to impress Albert and win his affections.

I really appreciated the genuine love that Maddy and Bee shared and that Bee's autism was not only cast in a negative light. I found the depth of character demonstrated by the two main characters also really affirming.

Read an extract here

The story isn't without its twists but you'll have to discover those for yourself!

Details - Hachette NZ, January 2018 RRP $29.99

love you more than a perfectly captured photograph xxx

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