
Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Year that Was


This year I kept a list of the books I read... I've often meant to but this year I managed it. It's been a good reading year for me - 41 books! Some are children's novels so there is a mix of time needed to read them.

I'm also partway through several other non-fiction books which I hope to complete in 2018.

I've put my absolute favourite/s in bold. (At least one per category)

I've blogged a lot of them because I was kindly sent them for reviewing - I really do like being sent books for review. In 2018 I am planning to start studying again (part time) and working (part time) so I'm not sure I will manage as much reading.

Here's the books - in categories:

Children's Novels
The Young Magicians and the Thieves Almanac
The Changeover
Helper and Helper
Wave Me Goodbye

YA Fiction
See You in the Cosmos
Midnight Sun
Things A Bright Girl Can Do
Catch Me When You Fall
The Truth and Lies of Ella Black

Adult Fiction
Her Mother's Secret
The Earth Cries Out
The Last Debutante
Meet Me at Beachcomber Bay
Little Breton Bistro
Keep Me Safe
The Suicide Club
Come Sundown
Saints for All Occasions
Trip of a Lifetime
The Music Shop
Sensible Shoes - Sharon Garlough Brown
Two Steps Forward - Sharon Garlough Brown
Barefoot - Sharon Garlough Brown
The Club of Queer Trades - G K Chesterton

Non- Fiction - mainly about creativity, faith or the arts
The Knowledge of the Holy - AW Tozer
Found - Micha Boyde
Walking on Water - Madeleine L'Engle
Personality and Prayer - Ruth Fowke
Gastrophysics - Charles Spence
The Insect and the Buffalo - Roshan Allpress
Option B - Sheryl Sandberg
The Choice - Edith Eger
The Contemplative Pastor - Eugene Peterson
Called or Collared - Francis Dewar
Every Good Endeavour - Timothy Keller
The Artisan Soul - Erwin Raphael McManus

Kneeling in Bethlehem (Poetry) - Ann Weems

There are some other books I read but I only counted books that I read every word of.

What books have made you smile, laugh, delight in 2017?

What's on your reading list for 2018?

love you more than a proper list xxx

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