
Monday, January 30, 2017

McCalls 6566 with a Little Extension

Heya Babes,

Last year I realised I kept admiring 't-shirt dresses' on mums at school. This year I've made it a goal to make myself a few.

Recently spotlight had 3 patterns for $15 and, after looking through my collection, I decided I could actually do with a proper pattern for said t-shirt dresses. I chose a few patterns (woven and stretch) and McCalls 6566 which is actually a top pattern.

I had a large scrap of fabric from a de-clutter Deb did a while ago and then I had a big fabric score at Creative Junk which is a local charity junk shop. I went in one day and I think someone had brought their whole Nana's stash in. (Usually Creative Junk has small fabric scraps and heaps of other random stuff like paper scraps, foam bits, bottle lids...)

I used the bit from Deb for the front and had to add some pieces where the sleeves are because it wasn't wide enough. The back was a single piece of soft woven cotton.

This pattern couldn't be simpler. It's 2 pieces plus the pocket and the neck is just bias bound. I just extended the line of the top to make it longer - ruled with the side of my monthly planner and free handed the hem.

I had it half finished and then we had people to stay so I left it. After they left we were going out one evening and The Atlas pointed out that I had a stain on the front of the dress I was wearing, probably chocolate! I went to get changed and saw the mostly done dress so I sat on my swiss ball in my undies and sewed wildly and 20 mins later it was done.

I adore! this dress, it's so.darn.comfy. The design is so simple and that tiny pocket is so cute (even though it has no practical use and is placed in an unfortunate spot for someone who teaches children!).

It totally does all the things I want and I can't wait to make some more. The pattern was $5 and the fabric for the back was less than $1. Everything else I needed was already in my sewing room.

I know I'm going to wear this dress so much and now I just need to make some more combos for the next few that will churn out of my sewing room :-).

The cotton fabrics also make it so nice and breathable for summer.

Ahhhhh.... winning.

love you more than crazy pink hearts and bright pink top-stitching xxx

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