
Monday, January 18, 2016

Yeah I Made It... 2015 the extras 52+

So, we left it at the giant pink kaftan and we wasn't done crafty-crafters,

There was also the tent dress - I used the top of a dress pattern to trace the neck and arm hole shapes and then drew a triangle outwards.

More vintage fabric in some 60s man-made fabric monstrosity. So, a calico underdress because we all know the feeling of sweating up a storm in fake fabric - amiright? Just me? Also I do appreciate room for the breeze to circulate. This dress holds a multitude of sweat streaming down in unpleasant ways... there's a happy image for us all.

Then this maxi which The Atlas likes the style but not the colour - 'You need more vibrant colours' he says. Man loves me and my colours - he's a keeper.

I'm not convinced this one is here to stay but what's life without sharing some outtakes right? Also a little see through which means I have to choose between a slip and thigh silhouette (always choosing the slip fyi), which makes it a less cool choice than hoped for.

It must be said this dress is not helped by the I just got out of bed and I'm going up to the pools for a swim so I haven't showered yet look. Also it can be admitted, holiday and I'm leaving soon farewell eating... not doing me any favours just now.

Necklaces for gifty purposes.

Christmas Eve PJs (a family tradition).

Plus some other less exciting un-photgraphed stuff. I do like the weekly recording though. Maybe I'll do a summary post - there's something to be excited by aye?!

and that means at least 52 makes in 2015 - you can find the lot here. 

So what does 2016 hold creatively? I do like these weekly makes but an extended 'inbetween homes period' coming up might mean it's not weekly... let's see how it all pans out shall we?

So what was your top creative endeavour in 2015?

Is there something you'd like to see me try in 2016?

Would you like to issue me with a creative challenge for this year?

Do share!

love you more than a sewing bonanza xxx

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