
Friday, December 4, 2015

Reading Pile

Book worms and wordophiles,
I've been snatching reading time and then getting invested and staying up too late, as you do.

Recently I've finished the following:

Choosing Hope byKaitlin Roig-DeBellis

A teacher at the now infamous Sandy Hook Elementary School, Roig-DeBellis was teaching the day that a gunman broke into the school and killed 20 children and 6 adults. She and her students survived hidden in a tiny bathroom stall where they heard things people should not ever hear. This story is Roig-De-Bellis's memoir of her own journey to those days and, more important, from them. The overwhelming message of this book is that there is always someone else to help, there is always hope to be found and the only way forward it with an outward looking face. An inspiring, harrowing, beautiful read. A true tribute to living with heart open, making the most of every day and choosing hope in the face of all things. A timely read.
Details - Allen and Unwin,  October 2015, RRP $29.99 also available as an ebook.

The Bakehouse by Joy Cowley

I grabbed this one from my local bookshop - I like Cowley's writing and it was NZ book week at the time I think! Following 3 children who discover a young defector hiding in their neighbourhood during the second world war. This book is about regrets, secrets, and understanding there is more to life than one side of ay story. A beautiful read that unpacks the war story on New Zealand ground. Perfect for thoughtful readers 10+ and for reading aloud to children of that age or above. Lots to think about and discuss from this read. There are also teaching notes on the gecko website.
Details - Gecko Press, 2015. RRP $19.99

The Crossing by Michael Connelly

Another in the detective Bosch series. This one covers recently retired Bosch as he is sucked to the 'other side'. Defending a man wrongly framed for murder, DNA evidence and dangerous characters he is effectively working against the force he's worked so long for. The narrative is compelling and there are some good twists and turns along the way. A great great for people who like crime fiction.
Details - Allen & Unwin, November 2015, RRP $32.99 also available as an ebook.

The Book of Spice - from anise to zedoary by John O'Connell

This is a book for anyone who loves cooking, history or accumulating knowledge about food. O'Connell has collected and collated stories on spices, their uses, origins and influences on history. I love the sense of story in this book - the people and how they were influenced by and used spices for so much more than food. Fascinating and enriching. There are lots of people who I think would love to discover this under the tree or get it and wow everyone with your superior knowledge!
Details - Allen & Unwin, November 2015, RRP $32.99 HB. Also available as an ebook.

Lenten Lands by Douglas H Gresham

This is the story of Gresham's life as the second son of Joy Davidman, the American woman who married C.S.Lewis. It is a story of tribute to the lives of his mother and step-father - their love and their enduring influences on him and others of course, in the case of C.S.Lewis. It is a simply told story full of much sadness but also enduring hope. A really interesting insight into the personal life of an incredibly influential writer, theologian and person.
Details - Harper One 2003

so it's a varied diet coming across my nightstand just now. Tell me what are you reading, or is it all hands on deck until Dec 25th?

love you more than cinnamon xxx

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