
Friday, October 23, 2015

The Lake House

So you know when you read a book by someone you haven't heard of before and then you read that they are currently Australia's highest selling international author and you feel a little sheepish?

Well, I now know what that feels like!

The Lake House by Kate Morton is the first of her books I have read but it won't be the last.

What Morton manages to do is to tell characters both from their own perspective and from the perspective of others - and captures the essence of the person, but the difference in perceptions perfectly. I always know a book is a great read when I get annoyed when it changes to a different timeline because I am so engrossed in the story.

This is a whodunnit story, a historical story, a facing your burdens and a truth will liberate kind of story.

The story is essentially the story of a missing child from 1933 a case that was never solved.
In 2003 the case stumbles into the lap, or rather she stumbles into it, of detective Sadie Sparrow whilst she is on leave.

By why is the famous, living family member of the case so unwilling to meet her? And how do you solve a case when there is nothing to go on?

The story is a rich cast of characters, loveable and less-so. It tells tales of enduring love, illicit love, unrequited love, damaged love, selfish and selfless love.... it's all in there.

A great read, not gory but really satisfying and the kind where you write and re-write your own theories about it all the way through.

A perfect read for summer or buying yourself to put under the Christmas tree!

Details - Allen & Unwin October 2015, RRP$32.99 also available as an ebook.

love you more than a midsummers party xxx

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