
Friday, October 2, 2015

Me, Earl and a Dying Girl

hiya readers,

I always like to read a book before I see the movie (or if I see the movie - the book might determine that too!).

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews has been made into a movie recently so I wanted to make sure I read the book before any previews of the movie spoiled the book.

I actually like the original/other cover better but this is the one with the movie tie-in bit.

The book is set in high school - the last year, and centres around Greg whose sole aim in life is to get through with as little awkwardness as possible. He lives on the periphery at all times, low profile, almost in all groups but not fully in any.

In his down time he and his 'not-really-friend more of a coworker' Earl make strange movies. Then Greg gets coerced into a friendship with Rachel who is dying.

So what sounds like a supremely depressing premise for a novel is actually rather funny. The book is told from a teenage boys perspective so you can expect cuss words, sex talk and general grossness from time to time. The book switches between a traditional narrative and play script writing style and addresses the reader directly. I think this book will become one of those reads that has appeal across the teenage spectrum because of its style and its ability to relate to its audience.

There is a cool section in the back with a Q&A and some excerpts from the screen version with author notes at the bottom. I found this really interesting in terms of the movement between the book to movie expectations and challenges.

A must read for anyone who wants to be able to talk with teenage readers of the book. Also if you're planning to see the movie I think the book and the final section would really enhance the overall experience.

Some laugh out loud moments.

Details - Allen & Unwin July 2015, RRP $19.99. 

love you more than a totally awkward silence xxx

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