
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Flip and Bounce Reviews

Hi it's Flip and Bounce here with some book reviews,

My Brother is a Superhero by David Solomons

Zak is turned into a superhero with 6 powers that Luke (the little brother) and he have to discover in time to save earth from Nemesis.  The book is a bit scary sometimes, so it should be 5+ (Bounce). The book is funny and a bit serious I think kids 4+ would enjoy it. It was really funny because Luke needed to do a wee so he missed out on getting turned into a superhero.
I really like it when Nemesis blows up (F), and I liked when the bad guy is never seen again (B).
We would really like to be read other books by the same author.
Mum says: This book was a great read, laugh aloud funny and in keeping with the hero and villain context. A nice mix of characters - 2 brothers plus the girl neighbours and a French friend who loves to eat. A read-alone for 9+ and an enjoy together from primary.
Details: Nosy Crow, June 2015 RRP $12.99

Tashi 20th Anniversary Edition by Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg and Kim Gamble

This is the first Tashi book we have been read. I liked the end where you see a giant and dragons hiding inside the picture. Tashi is a serious boy who loves to tell stories and makes friends quickly. This book contains 2 stories - one of them not previously published. I think this book would be enjoyed by children from 2+ (F) or 3+ (B).
Mum says:A sweet book full of imagination and wonderings.
Details: Allen & Unwin, May 2015 RRP $12.99

Lara of Newtown by Chris McKimmie

Lara is a cat and she gets lots of new owners. She invites her friends over when her owners go out. I like the bit when she is sunbathing on the roof and the plane goes over. My favourite picture is the cute dog with the reindeer antlers. I really like the end part it makes me laugh and it is nice.
Mum says: my favourite is the descriptions in the back about which pictures the authors friends and family contributed as well as what the pictures are made from.
Details: Allen & Unwin, June 2015 RRP $24.99

Mum reviews:
Splosh for the Billabong

and Summer Rain

 by Ros Moriarty and Balarinji
When I opened these books to review them I was expecting them to be very simple, and they are, but they are absolutely enchanting. I have already used and recommended these books for teachers to use in visual art, drama, dance and oral language. The text uses gorgeous words with great onomatopoeic effect. There is a sense of wonder and magic as they capture the intricacies of life in/on the Billabong and the journey of the day. The imagery is very powerful and perfectly complimented by Balarinji's Aboriginal style artworks. I also loved the translation included in the back into Yanyuwa language. The rhythm of these books is achieved to absolute perfection. Love them!
Details: Allen & Unwin, June 2015 RRP $12.99 each

Flip and Bounce say thank you very much for sending us these super books to read we love them.

Also the winner of Pieces of Sky is Kimberly, congratulations be watching out for an email from me :o)

love you more than laughing at a book together xxx

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