
Monday, May 11, 2015

Yeah I Made It 19/52 - Where I Totally Surprise Myself

If you know me well you will have heard me saying I'm no artist. Creative yes, artist no. So when it comes to drawing I always feel a bit on the back foot.

However, I recently attended a wonderful stencil making class with Simone. (Definitely recommend one if you are wanting some fun and creative inspiration).

and I drew this awesome lion - freehand from my own imagination! Then I hand cut it into a stencil and printed it.

Then I stencilled it onto 2 little t-shirts and one piece of calico. Now I have 2 Christmas presents sorted and I have the stencilling bug.

Maybe I might find an artist in me after all if I scrape away the excuses and do some more practising.

love you more than surprising yourself xxx

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