
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Yeah I Made It - 12/52 Kimono Top

Hello lovelies,

I made 3 of these tops just before we left for Adelaide from a self-made pattern. They are my go-top top with jeans or a denim skirt combo.

Shapeless but colourful and easy to wear - although usually still a little warm for the summer and spring here.

This one is stretch at the back and a piece of fabric I was given by a friend when she was clearing out her fabric stash (I love it when that happens!).

I call it my Monet top.

Simple, easy to wear, nice colours - not the most flattering thing in my wardrobe but I don't really care.

Do you have a go-to garment that ticks most of the boxes?

love you more than ready made bias binding xxx

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