
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Tea Chest

A friend lent me this novel a while ago and I grabbed the other day from the stack.

3 women caught at crossroads in their lives come together to create a beautiful haven of tea-loving tranquility in a derelict building in London. Not without it's problems, there are plenty of odds to overcome along the way.

One of the things I loved about this novel was that the main character had a beautiful relationship with her husband and 2 boys - lately I've been reading novels (some I have chosen not to review/share because I can't recommend them as good reads) with wives who are frustrated, un appreciated and over their situations and I feel like I can't relate. So, it's such a joyous breath of fresh air to have a novel whose action can go ahead with a wonderful supportive husband and well loved children cheering  a woman on from the sidelines - hooray!

The other 2 main characters are not so straight forward when it comes to their love lives or lack of but these are also different from your typical scenarios.

The Tea Chest by Josephine Moon is a lovely chic-y read for anyone who loves a good story about women making it against the odds, redeeming friendships, following your dreams and taking a chance. If you love drinking tea you'll get an extra bonus too.

Details - Allen and Unwin (not one I was sent to review) April 2014 RRP $29.99 also available as an ebook.

love you more than a quiet moment for a cup-of-tea xxxx

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