
Sunday, December 7, 2014

For A Little Bit

Today I returned from a wonderful time in NZ doing house-y stuff and visiting my beautiful new niece.

Tomorrow we move house.

Then we have to wait for over a week to get the internet transferred (they did that last time too, it must be very complicated to connect the internet here I think???).

Anyway..... given that I will only be able to check my email now and again I think I'll have an informal sign off here for a week or two. I do hope to return before Christmas and maybe show you our new digs - the kitchen has a pantry - such joy must be shared!!!!

I will do a catch up when I return on the portraits and make my week posts - because that's about all you can actually count on me for at present anyway!

Hope your Christmas build up/ school wind down/ end of year frivolities are going perfectly.

love you more than an unpacked and ordered kitchen xxxx

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