
Friday, November 7, 2014

Learning Together - family meeting

Learning together... it's been a while!

I know lots of people have family meetings and are very scheduled but the create hope inspire family is a little more laid back (or disorganised, or freaked out by 'programming activities'). However, a certain someone wanted to proprose something to the family so I suggested we had a family meeting.

The boys made the agenda sheet which was pinned to the fridge - not literally obviously, it was attached with a magnet! - a week before and everyone was allowed up to 2 items.

You can probably guess even without the names who added what.

So what skills do you learn in a family meeting?

  • writing up your items
  • writing notes so you don't forget what you want to say (only one of us did this!)
  • making sure you select your most important issues - this is a life long skill to develop, sometimes you have to be able to distinguish the trees from the woods
  • communicating your ideas clearly
  • clarifying when questioned
  • seeking clarification from others before you weigh in or take your vote
The Atlas took notes and we had a lovely time of it. The key results are that we will hire an xbox 360 one weekend per term (4 times a year) and 2 games each time, we will try to have a special family time on Sunday afternoons together where we will include a family meeting once a month, the boys will have the Christmas Tree (which will be small because that's what they wanted and the vote was unanimous) in their room, Bounce and I will decorate the house for Christmas and The Atlas is in charge of following up on sumer sports. Phew - I think that's it.

It's great for children to contribute and have their ideas heard and it's a good opportunity for them to take part in discussions, present ideas and learn to compromise.

Do you have family meetings? Do you track the formal or informal route of parenting?

Learning Together a series for primary aged children and their parents - activities that break up homework monotony, promote skills and create positive experiences together.

love you more than the chance to decorate xxx

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