
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Indigenous Children's Book - Emus Under the Bed

A while ago I reviewed Kick With My Left Foot which is another Allen and Unwin title produced in partnership with The Little Big Book Club. At the time I talked about how pleased I was to see partnerships to represent a more diverse range of ethnicities and experiences. This book scratches the same itch.

Emus Under the Bed is a simple recount of time spent with a precious, feather loving Auntie. The illustrations are highly stylised and have a very child like quality to them. Leann J Edwards is both the author and illustrator.

The book has a truly Australian feel to it and captures the simplicity of a child's love and excitement for a treasured relative.

Details - Allen and Unwin, pub July 2014, $24.99

love you more than a treasured memory xxx

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