
Friday, July 11, 2014

Double the Fun

As we know life sometimes throws a curve ball and renders us unable to complete things we wanted to. One of the lovely swappers in the colour swap had one of those sucky situations so I had the fun of taking on her partner too.

Lovely Lauren had blue as one of her favourite colours so I had some fun collecting bits and pieces with her in mind. Lauren strikes me as someone who is very organised so I went with that kind of theme - chalkboard stickers, pens and a super set of post it style pieces.

I did some more making as well.

Even better Lauren's parcel arrived on a day when she was a little glum - don't you love that sort of timing?

She blogged about it over here. Hopefully the post fairy will have done her work on most of you by now or she will arrive soon. Do take a moment to flick your partner an email I'm sure they'll be holding their breath until they know it landed.

love you more than a parcel in the post xxx

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