
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Colour Swap Parcel

The gorgeous Laurel has received the parcel I sent so I can share what I sent her.

From her list of colours (that was very similar to the colours I sent) I chose pink.

Here is a peak of the things I sent and you can also see more on her blog here.

I was most excited to find the magazine which was new to me but I thought would be nice.

I also included a handmade (inspiring?) bookmark, rabbit stamp and necklace along with a selection of pink pieces and some chocolate hearts (that weren't pink but I think for chocolate an exception can be made?) and a rose scented soap.

I hope all the other colour swappers are having fun putting their parcels in the post and receiving their colour hug. I look forward to seeing more details of parcels flying about.

love you more than a parcel arrived xxx

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